Mornings with Jesus


Today God came through for me in such a glorious way!I’ve been taking a new bus route to work, faster and smoother, but jam-packed. The past couple of times, I had to stand because there was no room to sit. Anyway this beautiful spring morning, I wanted to wear a dress and wedge heels, and actually look nice (hello, summer!) but the mere thought of going on the packed bus, squished with people, and possibly having to stand in my dainty wedges and pretty green dress nearly deterred me from that route.  I was contemplating taking a route further from home-with more walking and stops- but the ride promised to be nicer and more comfortable in a cozy two story bus.  Sounds dreamy right? It did to me that early morning as I weighed the options during my drive.  I ended up changing my mind last minute and decided to go through with my usual route, and swerved into the park & ride just before I passed it.  And also as usual, there was a line.  So I was sure that I’d have to be standing the entire hour drive.  In line, I realized I didn’t bend my knee in prayer before I left home so I started to say a quick prayer but then stopped short; asking myself why I have to breeze through this prayer like a quick mandatory instruction page.  I decided God deserves more of my precious time, and what better things to do but pray while wait? So pray I did.  The clock kept ticking, my prayers to God about reserving me a seat on the bus kept traveling upward..and then the moment came when the bus arrived. Perhaps out of dread that it’d be so full, and I’d probably be standing, I didn’t want to look at the bus. I just filed in line right behind the person ahead of me.  As the bus got closer to us and finally came to a stop, I glanced over my shoulder, but then had to take a double take! What is this I’m seeing??? My mouth (internally) dropped to the ground, and my world stopped spinning for a brief moment.  I had to make myself continue walking in line, awestruck by the two story bus I’ve been longing for this morning standing in front of me;  waiting for me to get myself together and get on board! Did they finally get a new bus  for this packed route??  Whatever the reason, I climbed those stairs to the top in sheer joy, found a comfy seat next to a sleeping commuter, and sat down in praise.  What a glorious surprise.  These are my morning with my Glorious Jesus.

I feel strong
Often misunderstood 
But unshaken nonetheless 

I feel empowered

Courageous even

Although I admit I am weak

I am fragile

I try my best to be meek

Shortcomings, yes

The urge to quit? No.

Torn apart

Yet intricately sewn back together

Shattered, yet made new

This world, though it try

It will not destroy

It will not conquer

It will not subdue

I will fight
I have the will to survive